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The word resonance is related to the Latin resonare, which means “to resound”, “to repeat a sound” or, in other words, to vibrate. In the yoga practice, resonance is a process of initiating and amplifying vibratory phenomena, consciously perceived in the being, produced under the action of the vibrations (energies) coming from certain specific levels of manifestation of the universe. Resonance occurs only when the frequency of vibration is close or coincides with one of the frequencies with which the yogi’s inner universe is capable of vibrating in unison, as long as this process is maintained with grace and attention. Therefore, resonance is an extremely complex phenomenon, in which the universe’s waves, or vibratory energies, regardless of their nature, are propagated from an emitting focus, generated by a corresponding vibration in a human being’s inner universe. This occurs if one of the human being’s own frequencies is equal or very close to the frequency with which the cosmic focus vibrates and if the energy carried by its corresponding vibration is big enough with respect to the distance that separates the two systems.

For instance, when a yogi feels that love awakens inside of them and they begin to love, a sudden process of occult resonance takes place with the mysterious, subtle energies of love from the gigantic force sphere existing in the Macrocosm. These energies of love are therefore instantly captured due to processes of occult resonance triggered in the inner microcosm.

We thus understand the importance of occult resonance for all beings existing in the physical universe, the astral universe and even the causal universe. Indeed, great sages discovered long ago that the entire Manifestation (the entire Creation of God the Father) is constantly based on occult resonance processes. Some of these processes of occult resonance are physical, such as the process of occult resonance that we all know in a radio, which we tune to receive a particular (emitting) radio station, or in a TV, which receives specific signals through its antenna that come from an emitting TV station. In the same way, mobile phones also function based on occult resonance processes. However, it is less known that, besides processes of occult resonance known in so called classical physics, there are also mysterious, subtle processes of occult resonance that initiates have discovered for thousands of years.

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