Please note that this esoteric information on sports in general, but also on the various sports briefly described in particular, is selflessly and generously revealed by an initiate. However, all these revelations are addressed to all human beings endowed with brilliant intelligence who are also intuitive and already endowed with common sense.

We earnestly ask that after carefully studying all these original aspects, particularly valuable only to the intelligent, who will be able to appreciate them for their correct immense value, you will often make the very welcome effort both for yourself, but also for other ignorant people, who do not know these mysteries, of making all these immense revelations immediately available, free of cost, to your relatives, friends and acquaintances, revelations which are destined to urgently transform their inner point of view on sports. In this way, perhaps among all those who will receive these precious disclosures as a gift (not at all fortuitously, but certainly from necessity), there will be at least one human being who will then promptly transform – in a beneficial, constructive, fruitful and wise direction – their perspective on the perfidious, insidious and incessant hoax that sport and sports actually represent for all human beings.

Perhaps such a person will without delay manifest the distinctly superior curiosity to first theoretically study the millenary old Hatha Yoga system in order to thus discover a marvellous alternative that is many tens of thousands of times more valuable and profoundly transformative for the better on all occult, most often unsuspected levels of the microcosm which already exists in their inner universe and which is already waiting without delay millenary discovered practically and gradually explored through the gram of practice, thus helping them become aware of and experience the real, great enigmas of the Macrocosm in which they already live, even if they do not know and do not suspect that the mysterious Macrocosm already exists and perforce embraces them together with God, who is the One who has created the Macrocosm.

For much more information that is suitable, much of it esoteric, in three languages please periodically visit the website which has a monthly flow of about 150.000 visitors.