Eminent Yoga Teacher Gregorian Bivolaru brings a remarkable contribution to the modern and universal spirituality, revealing perspectives, methods and techniques which are truly revolutionary. Their variety and abundance of his teachings matches the challenges of the contemporary world, offering life-transforming solutions and practical insights to people of various backgrounds and understandings.
An active supporter of a new spiritual paradigm that would help modern man find the balance between millenary wisdom and contemporary science, Gregorian Bivolaru became a pioneer of the new wave of spiritual awakening on this planet, through his writings, as well as through easy methods accessible to anyone (among which are the revelation about the Godly Attributes or the art of blessing).
He founded what would later become the largest yoga school in Europe and a real pole of promoting spirituality and yoga discipline in Romania: The Movement of Spiritual Integration into the Absolute – MISA.
Strongly believing that a spiritual person cannot remain indifferent to what is going on around him, Gregorian Bivolaru has written numerous articles and held several lectures in which he boldly disclosed the shady actions of the various interest groups that got to influence and even control the political and economic structures, in particular the occult, diabolical world freemasonry.
Due to his teachings that have awakened the consciences of a very large number of people and due to the disclosures he made with great courage, he disturbed the authorities and power structures, being harassed, subjected to numerous abuses and persecutions, and even imprisoned following fabricated criminal cases.
Despite all the obstacles, Gregorian Bivolaru continued both his spiritual activity, guiding as a mentor the development of the yoga school, as well as the writing one, publishing 150 books and booklets and hundreds of articles up to now. The yoga course structured by him has spread almost throughout entire Romania, and sister schools have opened their doors in over 30 countries on all continents.
At present, there are hundreds of yoga teachers around the world who teach yoga based on the materials and methodology structured by Gregorian Bivolaru at the MISA Esoteric Yoga School. The fact that tens of thousands of people benefit today, directly or indirectly, from his life’s work is a confirmation of the value of his teachings. A striking personality, yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru made some people uncomfortable through his revelations and actions, ins pired others, and he did not cease to guide on the path to perfection those thirsty for spirituality, who carefully and perseveringly applied his teachings and advice, with great modesty and a permanent state of godly relay.