The unsuspected harmful effects of sport vs The extraordinary beneficial effects of practicing yoga

All sport that involves extreme physical training exhibits a state of exaggeration that usually goes unnoticed. All sport aimed at physical performance is predominantly empirical, it is actually caricatural in that they generate a lethargy of the consciousness, and are thus rudimentary and actually are clearly inferior.

Yoga practice involves a careful, conscious approach to specific exercises which were revealed thousands of years ago by the great sages of India, and which are based on a very profound knowledge of the human being and the Macrocosm. The practice of yoga leads to an elevated, invigorating inner disposition, to an ever-widening awakening of consciousness.
In the manifestation of these types of physical activities, the stupidity, larval-like states, the primitivism and the unconsciousness are obvious.
The practice of yoga awakens and amplifies intelligence, inner dynamism, clarity, refines and expands consciousness.
Many sports performed under the demands of sport performance end up generating chaotic inner reactions or cause strange phenomena that manifest in the pre-consciousness.
Yoga practice leads to a state of harmony, inner balance and increased awareness.
A significant aspect is that the vast majority of performance sports awaken and activate selfishness and they imperceptibly amplify a competitiveness that exacerbates itself.
Yoga practice awakens the moral virtues, makes it possible to experience a state of interconnectedness and essential oneness with all beings and the entire macrocosm. It leads to the gradual diminishing and ultimately the transcending of the ego.
All sport involves a physical, bodily activity that has effects on the physical body sheath, known as annamaya kosha in Sanskrit. The other sheaths of the human being are not engaged when a human being does only sport.
Two such sports are athletics and gymnastics. But there are also competitive sports. These include brutal combat sports involving pain, such as boxing, wrestling or judo.
Performance sports act almost exclusively on the physical body in an inferior, rudimentary, unconscious, mechanical manner

In the view of the ancient system of yoga, apart from this physical, material sheath annamaya kosha, there are four other sheaths in the Microcosm of the human being: the enigmatic vital layer (pranamaya kosha), the enigmatic mental layer (manomaya kosha); the enigmatic supramental layer (vijnanamaya kosha); and the enigmatic layer of bliss (anandamaya kosha).
The practice of Yoga acts in a systematic, selective, conscious or even hyperconscious way at the level of each of the five mysterious layers of the inner universe of the human being.
The practice of yoga generates a euphoric, euphoric state of wellbeing both in the body and in the inner self. Carefully and systematically performed, it helps to eliminate various pains, tensions, disorders and even to cure various illnesses.

In general, performance sports cause fatigue and physical exhaustion.
In contrast, the practice of Yoga regenerates the being and triggers various occult resonance processes with wonderful subtle energies from the Macrocosm.
Sports do not engage the consciousness and do not explore its extraordinary, often unsuspected resources, so they never bring forth deep self-knowledge.
Traditional yoga practices awaken, energise, and stimulate a beneficial, fruitful, euphoric self-knowledge.
Sport never triggers extraordinary achievements of a paranormal nature.
Ancient traditional yoga techniques awaken and gradually activate paranormal capacities or supernatural abilities, known as siddhi-s.

Does sport answer any existential questions??

Yoga practices are by default reserved for sufficiently intelligent human beings who spontaneously ask existential questions such as:
• What is the meaning of my existence?
• What will happen to me after the inevitable death of my physical body?
• Where did I really come from in this life?
• In what direction am I heading in my daily existence?
• Is there a destiny for me in this life?
• Will I be reincarnated?
• Can I remember real experiences from previous existences?
• Is it possible for me to lucidly, consciously project my astral body and take out-of-body journeys?
• What is the purpose of my existence in reality?
• Is there spiritual immortality?
• Is there another life in another world after the death of the physical body?
• Are there hells for the wicked and perverted?
• Are there mysterious heavenly paradises for good-hearted, virtuous people?
• Do angels really exist?
• Are there devils who make bizarre, cunning efforts to tempt me to regress to get me into a hellish realm after the inevitable death of my physical body?
• Does God really exist?
• Is God always omnipresent?
• Is God omniscient?
• Is God omnipotent?
Such meaningful questions and many other such questions are never asked by an athlete even when they are a world champion.

The ridiculousness of a football match watched ……. from above

Take a clear-headed look at those who play football from a different perspective, but also at the spectators, who are often fanatics, who eagerly watch matches that, beyond appearances, are ridiculous and boring. The footballers chase a ball and when they finally reach it they kick it. When the ball goes into the goal they shout “Goal!”. As do the spectators who “care” about the team. They suffer chaotically when their favourite team is defeated at the end of a match.

It takes a considerable leap to a new, far higher level in the sphere of the consciousness for a football player or a hardened football fanatic spectator to realise the enormous ridiculousness, but also the obvious futility of a football match that, without exception, unleashes lower subtle energies, awakens abysmal passions, energises selfishness and unwittingly amplifies a confusing, chaotic competitiveness that plunges the human being into strange, lower, abysmal, dark zones, that exist in a potential state in their inner universe, and that are unfavourable for them, for their well-being if they are awakened and activated. This then unleashes, through repetition, wicked, harmful, monopolising, insidious habits that unwittingly cripple the soul, influencing the universe of the human being in unfavourable directions. The person does not suspect that they are then easily possessed in this cunning way by the various categories of devils, for whom they thus become an easy prey.